How It Works

When you sign up for 99 Walks, you’re subscribing to a unique motivational and immersive experience! Each month there's a new theme, new classes a new goal (that you set!) and a new bracelet. These bracelets are tangible reminders of your success. Here's how it works.

Sign Up

Then download the app to access all the features and set your own walking goal for the month. 5 miles? 10 miles? 50 miles? It's up to you.

Then take walks with the app. It will track your progress and inspire you. Feel like company? Take a class and it's like you have your own personal coach with you.

At the end of the month, you'll receive your bracelet as the app tracks walks and lets us know.

Most importantly, you'll feel great, have more energy, sleep better and feel stronger.

What are you waiting for?!?

Join Today